Two fierce women, separated by generations and outlooks, become unlikely comrades on a funky, magical quest for meaning.
Ava is a glamorous, self-centered, lesbian aviator. When she dies in a plane crash in 1925, she refuses to accept her fate.
Zell is a middle-aged radical lesbian feminist. It is 2015, same-sex marriage is legal, but Zell is depressed. After devoting her life to the struggle for gay liberation, she despairs that the people she has fought for have sold out to the Establishment.
With Ava facing eternity in limbo and Zell contemplating suicide, the angel Lou, Ava’s old mechanic, brings them together. Ava and Zell have one last chance to come to terms with their shattered dreams.

Want to know more?
And listen to some of the songs:

Want to sing "Who Laundered Lewd Out of Lesbos"?

Want to sing "Missing Dreams"?

Want to sing "Swing the Propeller"?